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   Recent events of today: the destruction of the Manege, Voentorg, the hotel "Moscow", the “List” sentenced to demolition of historical monuments, the approval of “Fantastic projects” in the historical city, as well as the “Case of Kancheli” - all these are links of one chain. Of course, the architectural community is responsible for what is happening in Moscow and does not have the right to remain silent. Silence is a sign of consent. But is it possible to agree with what is happening in Moscow? For ten years of active construction in Moscow: The entire layer of environmental architecture of the 18-19 centuries, which made the city a historical Moscow - destroyed. Russian constructivism of the 20s virtually destroyed. Now the classic of Stalinist classicism, made by outstanding masters Shchusev, Zholtovsky, Dushkin, is disappearing. Instead of restoration and rehabilitation, barbarous reconstructions are carried out that kill architectural monuments. Destroyed architectural compositions and ensembles, the historical urban environment thoughtless inserts remodels in the "supposedly" empty places. Moscow mansions are quietly sold into private ownership with all the richness of their interiors and world-wide value. No commercial gain, no new trends, nothing can justify the destruction of their own culture. No fake can replace the genuine art of architecture. And the demolition of the hotel "Moscow", "Voentorg" and the loss of the Manege - this is truly a state crime. Crime in relation to the heritage and memory of our ancestors. Crime in relation to one’s own conscience is a complete descritation of the profession of an architect. Destroying culture is a crime against young people and the future generation. A fragmented architectural workshop is still in the euphoria of design fantasies. Who moves houses and bridges from place to place, who is building space architecture (like in the west) and who - just mindlessly does what they say. A vicious system of irresponsibility was created during the approval and construction of design decisions. But not a single city-planning problem has been solved and there is no real architecture. Because only one commercial idea cannot be the basis of creation. The idea of ​​"improvement" is uncultural and based on a lack of understanding of real values. You also need to love your city, which we almost lost. Everyone understands everything separately and sometimes even speak. Separate words, publications in the press, exhibitions, statements of the authorities are not heard. Who will explain to them what the meaning of real values ​​is and that Russia and Moscow can only be loved in practice, not in words? And why is the Union of Architects, which does not unite? And the Protection of Monuments, which does not protect when you need not to be silent, but to scream? ..

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